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Dried Fruits

Dried Fruits:

It refers to dried fruit products made from fresh fruit as raw materials by drying, desiccation and other dehydration processes, including dried jackfruit, dried banana, dried pineapple, dried avocado (dried avocado), dried mangosteen, dried guava, dried dates, dried mango, dried lemon fruit, dried lime, dried FIG, dried banana, dried date palm, dried coconut, dried coconut, dried olive, dried cantaloupe, dried sea coconut, dried blueberry, dried plum, dried plum, dried lychee, dried durian, dried longan, dried tamarind, dried cranberry, dried rose fruit, dried prunes, dried kiwi fruit, dried papaya, dried apple, raisins, dried melon, dried west fruit, dried apricots, dried cherries, etc.

Preliminary procedures:

1. The products of the exporting country obtain Chinese market access and are included in the "List of types of dried fruits and countries and regions allowed to be imported"

2. The overseas production enterprise is registered with the Chinese Customs and obtains a registration number in China;

3. The overseas exporter is registered;

4. The Chinese importer is registered;

List of Types and Countries and Regions of Dried Fruits Allowed for Import

Documents required for import declaration:

1. Certificate of origin;

2. Plant quarantine certificate;

3. Contract, invoice, packing list, bill of lading;

4. Label (including country of origin, weight of goods, manufacturer registration number, etc. If it is pre-packaged food, sample and translation of imported food label should also be provided)

5. Other auxiliary materials or declaration elements;

• GACC registration process (text description)

The flow chart for the GACC registration of imported food of overseas producers

GACC Conditions and Key Points of Control Inspection for Registration of Overseas Production Enterprises of Imported Dried Fruits

GACC application Form for Registration of Overseas Competent Authority Recommendation for manufacturers of Imported Plant-derived Foods

The General Administration of Chinese Customs, overseas official regulatory agencies and production enterprises will jointly promote:

  • 01

    Confirm the HS code and the applicable access method.

  • 02

    Obtain the account and password officially granted by the supervisor or account re-authentication.

  • 03

    Preparing materials in strict accordance with the registration conditions of overseas manufacturers of imported dried fruit and the key points for inspection, conduct self-assessment, and fill in the registration application form.

  • 04

    Submit an electronic application, fill in the enterprise elements and upload relevant materials as required; if necessary, include but not limited to floor plan of factory and workshop, process flow chart, etc.

  • 05

    The competent authority reviews the summary and forwards the electronic application with other support materials required by GACC.

  • 06

    The GACC office will review whether the materials are complete and in compliance with the legal form, and decide whether to accept it or issue a correction notice to the competent authority.

  • 07

    The expert group evaluates and reviews, including a combination of document review and on-site review or other reasonable review methods, and forms a review report.

  • 08

    Review by the General Administration of Chinese Customs whether it meets the statutory requirements and standards.

  • 09

    GACC approve or disapprove the registration, and feedback the information to the competent authority and Enterprise (enterprise applicants can receive the registration feedback in Cifer system).

  • 10

    The enterprises approved for registration, China Customs will publish them online in due course.

Our assistance includes but is not limited to:

1. Assist in product classification, determine the corresponding registration method and the best implementation plan; confirm the applicable official competent authority approval number, enterprise type, precise customs code and inspection and quarantine code details.
2. Assist enterprises to obtain account numbers and passwords.
3. Assist client to review the registration elements according to the "Conditions and Key Points of Control Inspection for Registration of Overseas Production Enterprises of Imported Dried Fruits", complete the self-assessment, and provide continuous improvement solution based on the assessment results, so that they meet the registration conditions and check points and China's national food production and product standards. Assist in sorting, screening, editing, and translating the required materials, so that the application materials meet the integrity, authenticity and validity.
4. Assist in filling out the "Application for Registration of Overseas Competent Authority Recommendation for Manufacturers of Imported Foods", submit an electronic application and upload relevant certification materials.

5. Follow up the application submitted by the competent authority, the basic status report on animal and plant epidemics, veterinary hygiene, public health, plant protection, pesticide and veterinary drug residues related to the exporting country (region), the registration management of food production enterprises and the requirements of enterprise hygiene standards, etc. The laws, regulations and standards of the exporting country (region), the organization and personnel of the competent authority of the exporting country (region), the quarantine of the exporting country (region) competent authority of its recommended enterprises, the assessment answer sheet of the actual situation of sanitation control, the exporting country (regional) competent authority's assessment of the actual situation. A statement that the companies that are recommends comply with Chinese laws and regulations.

6. Materials correction, when the written materials do not meet the registration requirements, assist the enterprise to complete the interpretation, sorting, screening, editing, translation, calibration and other standards and laws and regulations of the required materials within the specified time.

7. Acceptance by Chinese Customs and follow-up and communication of technical review by expert group, preparation and coordination before on-site review or video review.

8. Assist in successful access and follow up on the use of registration data for customs clearance, and respond immediately if there are any problems.

9. According to the change of the enterprise, assist the change application.

10. Other enterprise access and follow-up related support.

List of types of dried fruits and countries and regions allowed to be imported

Product Name Country or Region China market access status
Dried Jackfruit Vietnam normal
Dried banana Brazil normal
the Philippines normal
Thailand normal
Vietnam normal
Dried pineapple Germany normal
the Philippines normal
Colombia normal
Thailand normal
Vietnam normal
Dried avocado (dried avocado) Mexico normal
Dried mangosteen Thailand normal
Dried guava Thailand normal
Taiwan normal
Dried red dates Germany normal
Kyrgyzstan normal
Saudi Arabia normal
Thailand normal
Iran normal
Jordan normal
Dried mango the Philippines normal
Myanmar normal
Thailand normal
Taiwan normal
Dried lemon fruit Germany normal
Thailand normal
Dried lime Germany normal
Thailand normal
Dried figs Afghanistan normal
Germany normal
USA normal
Mexico normal
Thailand normal
Türkiye normal
Iran normal
Vietnam normal
Dried bananas Brazil normal
the Philippines normal
Thailand normal
Vietnam normal
Dried dates United Arab Emirates normal
Pakistan normal
Saudi Arabia normal
Iraq normal
Iran normal
Israel normal
Dried coconut, dried coconut meat the Philippines normal
Malaysia normal
USA normal
Myanmar normal
Sri Lanka normal
Thailand normal
Indonesia normal
Vietnam normal
Dried Olives Myanmar normal
Spain normal
Greece normal
Dried cantaloupe Thailand normal
Sea Coconut Myanmar normal
Thailand normal
Vietnam normal
Dried blueberries Thailand normal
Li Gan Australia normal
Germany normal
France normal
USA normal
Serbia normal
Thailand normal
Uzbekistan normal
Chile normal
Taiwan normal
Dried Lychee the Philippines normal
Thailand normal
Vietnam normal
Dried Durian Thailand normal
Dried Longan Laos normal
Myanmar normal
Thailand normal
Vietnam normal
Taiwan normal
Dried Tamarind the Philippines normal
Laos normal
Myanmar normal
Thailand normal
Dried cranberries USA normal
Thailand normal
Taiwan normal
prune Australia normal
Germany normal
France normal
USA normal
Thailand normal
Chile normal
Taiwan normal
Dried kiwi fruit USA normal
Dried papaya Thailand normal
Dried Apples Germany normal
USA normal
raisin Afghanistan normal
Argentina normal
Australia normal
Germany normal
Kazakhstan normal
Kyrgyzstan normal
Malaysia normal
USA normal
South Africa normal
Japan normal
Thailand normal
Türkiye normal
Uzbekistan normal
Greece normal
Iran normal
Chile normal
Taiwan normal
Shelled almonds Chile normal
Dried Elaeagnus angustifolia Uzbekistan normal
Dried melon Uzbekistan normal
Xixi Dried Fruit Myanmar normal
Dried Apricots Afghanistan normal
Kyrgyzstan normal
USA normal
Tajikistan normal
Türkiye normal
Uzbekistan normal
Dried Cherries Australia normal
Germany normal
France normal
USA normal
Thailand normal
Chile normal
Taiwan normal
List of types of dried fruits and countries and regions allowed to be imported

The following imported dried fruits are monitored by Decree 248:

HS Codes Prodcut Name CIQ Codes Inspection and quarantine name Product Category
0803100000 Fresh or dried plantain 104 Fresh or dried plantain (dried plantain) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and finalizing, and at -18°C) The following freezing), pickling, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0803100000 Fresh or dried plantain 102 Fresh or dried plantain (dried plantain) (other crafts) dried fruit
0803900000 Fresh or dried bananas 104 Fresh or dried bananas (dried bananas) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugar-coated, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and quenching, and at -18°C) The following freezing), pickling, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0803900000 Fresh or dried bananas 102 Fresh or dried bananas (dried bananas) (other crafts) dried fruit
0804100000 Fresh or dried dates 999 Fresh or dried dates (other crafts) dried fruit
0804100000 Fresh or dried dates 101 Fresh or dried dates (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, and frozen (after bleaching and finalizing, and freezing below -18 degrees), Processing such as pickling, pickling, frying, etc.) dried fruit
0804200000 Fresh or dried figs 102 Fresh or dried figs (dried figs) (other crafts) dried fruit
0804200000 Fresh or dried figs 104 Fresh or dried figs (dried figs) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugar-coated, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and finalizing, and at -18°C) The following freezing), pickling, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0804300090 Dried pineapple 101 Dried pineapple (dried pineapple) (other crafts) dried fruit
0804300090 Dried pineapple 103 Dried pineapple (dried pineapple) (extracted (except sun-dried), squeezed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, and frozen (after bleaching and finalizing, and freezing below -18 degrees), Processing such as pickling, pickling, frying, etc.) dried fruit
0804400000 Fresh or dried avocado 104 Fresh or dried avocados (dried avocados) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, frozen (by bleaching and finalizing, and in- Freezing below 18 degrees), pickling, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0804400000 Fresh or dried avocado 102 Fresh or dried avocado (dried avocado) (other crafts) dried fruit
0804501090 Dried guava 103 Dried guava (dried guava) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugar-coated, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and finalizing, and freezing below -18 degrees) ), pickling, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0804501090 Dried guava 101 Dried guava (dried guava) (other crafts) dried fruit
0804502090 Dried mango 103 Dried mangoes (dried mangoes) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugar-coated, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and thawing, and freezing below -18 degrees), Processing such as pickling, pickling, frying, etc.) dried fruit
0804502090 Dried mango 101 Dried mango (dried mango) (other crafts) dried fruit
0804503000 Fresh or dried mangosteen 102 Fresh or dried mangosteen (dried mangosteen) (other crafts) dried fruit
0804503000 Fresh or dried mangosteen 104 Fresh or dried mangosteen (dried mangosteen) (extracted (except dried), squeezed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugared, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and quenching, and in- Freezing below 18 degrees), pickling, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0805100000 Fresh or dried orange 102 Fresh or dried orange (dried orange) (other crafts) dried fruit
0805100000 Fresh or dried orange 104 Fresh or dried oranges (dried oranges) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugar-coated, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and quenching, and at -18°C) The following freezing), pickling, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0805211000 Fresh or dried banana mandarin 102 Fresh or dried banana tangerines (dried banana tangerines) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and finalizing, and in- Freezing below 18 degrees), pickling, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0805211000 Fresh or dried banana mandarin 999 Fresh or dried tangerines (dried tangerines) (other crafts) dried fruit
0805219000 Fresh or dried citrus (including mandarin oranges and satsuma citrus) 999 Fresh or dried citrus (including mandarin oranges and satsuma citrus) (dried citrus) (other crafts) dried fruit
0805219000 Fresh or dried citrus (including mandarin oranges and satsuma citrus) 102 Fresh or dried citrus (including mandarin oranges and satsuma citrus) (dried citrus) (extracted (except dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, frozen (through Bleaching and finalizing, and freezing below -18 degrees), soaking, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0805220000 Clementines, fresh or dried 102 Fresh or dried clementines (dried clementines) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugared, fermented, frozen (after bleached) And the greens, and frozen below -18 degrees), soaking, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0805220000 Clementines, fresh or dried 999 Fresh or dried clementine (dried clementine) (other crafts) dried fruit
0805290000 Fresh or dried Vail kumquats and other similar hybrid citrus 102 Fresh or dried Vail kumquats and other similar hybrid citrus (dried Vail kumquats and other similar hybrid citrus) (extracted (except dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, wrapped Sugar crumbs, fermentation, freezing (after bleaching and finalizing, and freezing below -18 degrees), pickling, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0805290000 Fresh or dried Vail kumquats and other similar hybrid citrus 999 Fresh or dried Vail kumquats and other similar hybrid citrus (dried Vail kumquats and other similar hybrid citrus) (other processes) dried fruit
0805400090 Dried grapefruit, including dried grapefruit 101 Dried grapefruit, including dried grapefruit (dried grapefruit, including dried grapefruit) (other processes) dried fruit
0805400090 Dried grapefruit, including dried grapefruit 103 Dried grapefruit, including dried grapefruit (dried grapefruit, including dried grapefruit) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugared, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and Finished, and frozen below -18 degrees), soaked in acid, pickled, fried, and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0805500000 Fresh or dried lemons and limes 103 Fresh or dried lemons and limes (dried limes) (other processes) dried fruit
0805500000 Fresh or dried lemons and limes 106 Fresh or dried lemons and limes (dried limes) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugared, fermented, frozen (by bleaching and quenching), and Frozen below -18 degrees), soaked in acid, pickled, fried, and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0805500000 Fresh or dried lemons and limes 107 Fresh or dried lemons and limes (dried lemons) (extracted (except dried), squeezed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugared, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and quenching, and in- Frozen below 19 degrees), soaking, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0805500000 Fresh or dried lemons and limes 105 Fresh or dried lemons and limes (dried lemons) (other crafts) dried fruit
0805900000 Other citrus fruits, fresh or dried 105 Fresh or dried other citrus fruits (dried other citrus fruits) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugared, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and Finished, and frozen below -18 degrees), soaked in acid, pickled, fried, and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0805900000 Other citrus fruits, fresh or dried 103 Other fresh or dried citrus fruit (other dried citrus fruits) (other processes) dried fruit
0806200000 raisin 999 Raisins (other crafts) dried fruit
0806200000 raisin 101 Raisins (extracted (except sun-dried), squeezed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and thawing, and frozen below -18 degrees), pickling, pickling, (Frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0813100000 Dried apricots 103 Dried apricots (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried apricots) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, frozen (by bleaching and thawing, And frozen below -18 degrees), soaking, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0813100000 Dried apricots 101 Dried apricots (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried apricots) (other processes) dried fruit
0813200000 Prunes and dried plums 102 Prunes and dried plums (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried plums) (other crafts) dried fruit
0813200000 Prunes and dried plums 103 Prunes and prunes (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (prunes) (other crafts) dried fruit
0813200000 Prunes and dried plums 106 Dried prunes and dried plums (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried plums) (extracted (except dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, frozen (with bleached soup and Finished, and frozen below -18 degrees), soaked in acid, pickled, fried, and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0813200000 Prunes and dried plums 107 Dried plums and plums (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) , And frozen below -18 degrees), soaking, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0813300000 Dried apples 101 Dried apples (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugar-coated, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and finalizing, and in -18 (Frozen below temperature), soaking, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0813300000 Dried apples 999 Dried apples (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (other processes) dried fruit
0813401000 Dried longan, meat 102 Longan, (except for the heading nuts 0801-0808) meat (longan) (other processes) dried fruit
0813401000 Dried longan, meat 104 Dried longan, meat (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (extracted (except dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, frozen (by bleaching and thawing), and in -18 degrees below freezing), pickling, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0813402000 Dried persimmon 101 Dried persimmons (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried persimmons) (other crafts) dried fruit
0813402000 Dried persimmon 103 Persimmons (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (persimmons) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugared, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and finalizing) -18 degrees below freezing), pickling, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0813403000 Dried red dates 104 Dried red dates (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried dates) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, frozen (by bleaching and thawing, And frozen below -18 degrees), soaking, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0813403000 Dried red dates 102 Dried red dates (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried dates) (other processes) dried fruit
0813404000 Dried Lychees 101 Dried lychees (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugared, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and finalizing, and in -18 (Frozen below temperature), soaking, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0813404000 Dried Lychees 999 Dried lychees (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (other crafts) dried fruit
0813409010 Samara oleracea dried fruit 101 Samara oil tree dried fruit (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and de-greening, and freezing below -18 degrees), soaking Processing such as acid, pickling, frying, etc.) dried fruit
0813409010 Samara oleracea dried fruit 999 Samara oil tree dried fruit (other crafts) dried fruit
0813409020 Dried cranberries 999 Dried cranberries (other crafts) dried fruit
0813409020 Dried cranberries 101 Dried cranberries (extracted (except sun-dried), squeezed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and thawing, and freezing below -18 degrees), pickling , Pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 119 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried kiwi fruit) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 118 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried cherries) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 117 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried rose hips) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 116 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried cranberries) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 115 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried cranberries) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 114 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (sweet corner) (other crafts) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 113 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried durian) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 112 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried blueberries) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 111 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried cantaloupe) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 109 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried strawberries) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 108 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried jackfruit) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 106 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried mulberries) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 105 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (other dried (firm) fruits) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 104 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried hawthorn) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 103 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (barley) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 110 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried olives) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 127 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (extracted (except dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugar-coated, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and finalizing, and in -18 (Frozen below temperature), soaking, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 126 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried tamarind) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 120 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried papaya) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 121 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (tamarind) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 122 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried rose hips) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 123 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried peaches) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 124 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried melon) (other processes) dried fruit
0813409090 Other dried fruits 125 Other dried fruits (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (dried sicilian fruit) (other processes) dried fruit
0813500000 Assorted nuts or dried fruits of this chapter 101 Assorted nuts or dried fruits in this chapter (except the dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (extracted (except dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, coated with sugar, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and finalizing, And frozen below -18 degrees), soaking, pickling, frying and other processes for processing) dried fruit
0813500000 Assorted nuts or dried fruits of this chapter 999 Assorted nuts or dried fruits of this chapter (except dried fruits of headings 0801 to 0806) (other processes) dried fruit
1203000000 Dried coconut meat 999 Dried coconut meat (other crafts) dried fruit
1203000000 Dried coconut meat 101 Dried coconut meat (extracted (except sun-dried), pressed, cooked, baked, freeze-dried, dehydrated, sugar-coated, fermented, frozen (after bleaching and thawing, and freezing below -18 degrees), pickling, Processing such as pickling, frying, etc.) dried fruit
HS codes of imported dried fruits in GACC system (Download)

1. What are the common mistakes in registration?

(1) The product was classified incorrectly, and the wrong access method and procedure were applied.
(2) Failure to strictly follow the "Conditions and Key Points of Control Inspection for Registration of Overseas Production Enterprises of Imported Dried Fruits" to inspect the elements of the enterprise and conduct feasibility assessments.

(3) The electronic application has not been submitted. "Application for Registration of Overseas Competent authority Recommendation Manufacturers of Imported Food"

(4) Registration application materials or attachments submitted are not in English or Chinese.

(5) The file format is incorrect and cannot be opened.

(6) There is a vacancy in the application materials where the signature and seal of the competent authority is required.

(7) The necessary parts of the application form are incomplete.

(8) The attachments of the application form are incomplete or do not correspond to the description of the content of the application form, which cannot prove the validity of the content of the application form.

(9) There are descriptions in the application form and attached materials that are obviously inconsistent with Chinese regulations.

(10) The information of the exported products cannot be accurately listed in the application, so that the customs clearance failure and needs to be urgently added. (Overseas manufacturers generally register according to the actual product strictly corresponding to the HS CODE, but Chinese brokers or freight agencies generally classify HS CODE according to the most preferential tax rate or the lowest supervision conditions or the simplest operation methods. There are cases that different ports and different freight agencies use different HS CODE for the same foods. There is a possibility of different classification, and our agency have to deal with many emergencies caused by the reasonable but misplaced demands of different market entities.)

(11) The application materials provided are contradictory.

(12) The country/origin where the overseas producers is located export firstly some foods has not yet conducted conformity equivalent assessment of the GACC official regulatory system.


2. An example of GACC does not approve review feedback?

3. Do exporters or shippers need to record?
A: Yes, the exporter of the trade contract or shipper of BL has to do ire (Original AQSIQ) record. After recording will get an 11-digit record number, the record does not issue certificate nor validity limit. It should be noted that this record is very easy, we are obliged to help applicant record free of charge. Watch out for fraudulent websites.
(In China's administrative reform, AQSIQ no longer exist)

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