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The registration method and requirements for natural plant spices have been changed.

Please confirm with us get the correct guidelines.

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Natural plant spices(Seasonings)

Refer to natural plant products such as plant fruits, seeds, flowers, roots, stems, leaves, skins or whole plants, which can be used directly with the functions of fragrant, flavoring and seasoning.

Star anise, piper longum L., clove, round cardamom, allspice, crocus sativus L., dried mint leaves, pepper, fenugreek seeds, Chinese prickly ash, aniseed, turmeric, cumin seed, dried chilli, basil seed (formally known as bijih selisih and basil fruit), rosemary, marjoram (origanum majorana L.), lemon grass, oregano leaves (including oregano leaf powder), celery seeds, nutmeg, cinnamon and cinnamon flower, ginger, salvia, vanilla, lemon balm, myrcia, vanilla beans, fennel seeds, coriander seeds, salvia, caraway seeds, frangipani, etc., thyme leaf powder, allspice powder, crocus powder, dried mint leaf powder, fenugreek seed powder, seed powder of Chinese prickly ash, turmeric (powder), ground mustard, curry powder, chili powder, basil powder, rosemary leaf powder, dried marjoram powder, oregano leaf powder, celery seeds, dill weed powder, vanilla powder, bay leaf powder, salvia powder, ground star anise, ground cloves, ground cardamom, ground pepper, ground aniseed, ground ginger, ground cumin seeds, ground nutmeg, ground cinnamon and cinnamon flowers, ground vanilla beans, ground fennel seeds, ground coriander seeds, ground caraway seeds, etc.

Special reminder for the registration process

1. Not applicable to the registration management system of overseas manufacturers of imported food (cifer), and different from other imported food registration process.

2. Apply according to the new documents requirements and submission method.

3. Accepted by the new management department of GACC, different categories are reviewed by different experts in the department.

It is recommended to communicate with us for confirmation before registering in order to get the correct guidelines; we remind you that if there is a discrepancy between the information on the internet and our description, our information must prevail!

Regulatory Measures of China Customs:

1. The exported products shall be granted with approval for Chinese market access and incorporated into the List of types of seasonings approved for import and list of exporting countries (region);

2.Overseas manufacturing enterprises shall register with China Customs and obtain registration number in China;

3.Record-keeping for overseas exporters;

4. Record-keeping for Chinese importers;


Solutions for meeting the regulatory requirements of China Customs:

1. Approval for Chinese market access of the exported goods shall be obtained;

Solutions: The intended exporter (exporting region) shall file a written application to the General Customs Administration for export of fresh vegetables, dehydrated vegetables, seasonings and dried beans to China. The General Customs Administration will, in accordance with the general principles of Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures issued by WTO and depending on the conditions of plant pests and food safety in the exporter’s country(region), decide whether or not to go through the approval procedures. Once the approval procedure is started, the intended exporter (exporting region) will be sent a questionnaire and the General Customs Administration will convene an expert panel to conduct a risk assessment of the official responses and relevant technical information provided by the intended exporter(exporting region) for issuance of the assessment report. If necessary, the intended exporter (exporting region) may be suggested during the assessment to agree on on-the-spot or confirmatory investigation conducted by the expert panel to confirm the authenticity or consistency of relevant information and practices. Based on the assessment results, both parties shall negotiate about the requirements for inspection and quarantine of the products exported to China and finalize them until a consensus is reached (including conclusion of the inspection and quarantine protocols, memorandums, or release of the issued inspection and quarantine requirements), agree on the content and format of the quarantine permit for the plant products exported to China and incorporate them into the Product Variety of Fresh Vegetables, Seasonings and Other Plant Products Permitted for Import and List of the Exporting Countries(Regions);

2.Overseas manufacturing enterprises shall register with China Customs and obtain registration number in China;

Solutions: The overseas manufacturing enterprises shall register with China Customs through the competent authority (not cifer system) and they will finally be shown to be incorporated into the List of Registered Overseas Enterprise Permitted for Import of Seasonings.

3.Record-keeping for overseas exporters;

Solutions: The overseas exporters shall submit their applications through the "Internet & Customs" record-keeping system for importers and exporters of imported foods.

4. Record-keeping for Chinese importers;

Solutions: The Chinese importers shall submit their applications through the "Internet & Customs" record-keeping system for importers and exporters of imported foods.


Information required for customs declaration:

1. Certificate of origin;

2. Official sanitary certificate of manufacturing country/Certificate of Free Sale;

3. Plant Quarantine Permit;

4.Contract, invoice, packing list and bill of lading;

5. Quarantine Permit for Imported Animals and Plants;

6. The original label sample of the pre-packed product for import, the Chinese translation of original label and the sample of the Chinese label; t

7. Other supporting information or declaration elements;

The imported plant spices with the following HS codes are controlled by Decree No. 248:

HS codes Product name CIQ codes Inspection and quarantine name Product Category
0712909990 Other dried vegetables and mixed vegetables 134 Dried other vegetables and mixed vegetables (whole, diced, sliced, broken or powdered, but not further processed) (dill powder) seasoning
0712909990 Other dried vegetables and mixed vegetables 133 Dried other vegetables and mixed vegetables (whole, diced, sliced, broken or powdered, but not further processed) (sweet marjoram) seasoning
0904110010 Bibo 102 Bibo (seasoning) seasoning
0904110090 Unground pepper 102 Unground pepper (except Bi dial) (seasoning) seasoning
0904120000 Ground pepper 102 Ground pepper (seasoning) seasoning
0904210000 Dried and unground chili 102 Dried and unground chili (dried chili) seasoning
0904220000 Ground chili 999 Ground chili seasoning
0905100000 Unground Vanilla Beans 999 Unground Vanilla Beans seasoning
0905200000 Ground vanilla beans 999 Ground vanilla beans seasoning
0906110000 Unground Ceylon Cinnamon 999 Unground Ceylon Cinnamon seasoning
0906190000 Other unground cinnamon and cinnamon flower 102 Other unground cinnamon and cinnamon flower (seasoning) seasoning
0906200000 Ground cinnamon and cinnamon flower 102 Ground cinnamon and cinnamon flower (seasoning) seasoning
0906200000 Ground cinnamon and cinnamon flower 103 Ground cinnamon and cinnamon flower (seasoning (Jade cassia)) seasoning
0907100000 Unground cloves (female cloves, male cloves and cloves stalks) 102 Unground cloves (female cloves, male cloves and clove stalks) (seasoning) seasoning
0907200000 Ground cloves (female cloves, male cloves and cloves stalks) 102 Ground cloves (female cloves, male cloves and clove stalks) (seasoning) seasoning
0908110000 Unground nutmeg 102 Unground nutmeg (seasoning) seasoning
0908120000 Ground nutmeg 102 Ground nutmeg (seasoning) seasoning
0908210000 Unground nutmeg coat 999 Unground nutmeg coat seasoning
0908220000 Ground nutmeg coat 999 Ground nutmeg coat seasoning
0908310000 Unground cardamom 102 Unground cardamom (seasoning) seasoning
0908320000 Ground cardamom 102 Ground cardamom (seasoning) seasoning
0909210000 Unground Coriander Seeds 999 Unground Coriander Seeds seasoning
0909220000 Ground coriander seeds 999 Ground coriander seeds seasoning
0909310000 Unground cumin seeds 999 Unground cumin seeds seasoning
0909320000 Ground cumin seeds 999 Ground cumin seeds seasoning
0909611000 Unground star anise 102 Unground star anise (seasoning) seasoning
0909619010 Unground cumin seeds;unground juniper berries 102 Unground cumin seeds; unground juniper berries (seasoning) seasoning
0909619090 Unground fennel seeds; unground wormwood 102 Unground Anise Seed; Unground Artemisia vulgaris (Artemisia vulgaris) seasoning
0909621000 Ground star anise 102 Ground star anise (seasoning) seasoning
0909629010 Ground cumin seeds;ground juniper berries 102 Ground cumin seeds; ground juniper berries (seasoning) seasoning
0909629090 Ground anise; ground wormwood 102 Ground anise; ground wormwood (Page wormwood) seasoning
0910110000 Unground ginger 103 Unground ginger (seasoning) seasoning
0910120000 Ground ginger 102 Ground ginger (seasoning) seasoning
0910200000 Saffron 102 Saffron (Saffron) (Seasoning) seasoning
0910300000 turmeric 103 Turmeric (seasoning) seasoning
0910910000 Mixed seasoning spice 102 Mix seasoning spices (the mixture described in Note 1 (2) of this chapter) (Curry powder) seasoning
0910910000 Mixed seasoning spice 999 Mix seasoning spices (the mixture described in Note 1 (2) of this chapter) (others) seasoning
0910910000 Mixed seasoning spice 101 Mix seasoning spices (the mixture described in Note 1 (2) of this chapter) (Five Spices) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 120 Other flavoring spices (Marjoram) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 121 Other seasoning spices (rosemary) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 122 Other seasoning spices (Germany leaves) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 118 Other seasoning spices (Zhongxiangzi) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 117 Other seasoning spices (laurel) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 116 Other seasoning spices (oregano leaf, oregano leaf powder) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 115 Other seasoning spices (fenugreek seeds) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 114 Other seasoning spices (celery seeds) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 113 Other seasoning spices (dill seed powder) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 112 Other seasoning spices (Basil powder) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 123 Other flavoring spices (grass fruit) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 110 Other seasoning spices (mustard powder) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 109 Other seasoning spices (Chinese pepper) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 108 Other seasoning spices (vanilla) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 107 Other flavoring spices (dried mint leaves) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 106 Other seasoning spices (thyme leaves, thyme leaf powder) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 104 Other seasoning spices (Long Song) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 103 Other seasoning spices (Oregon) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 102 Other seasoning spices (seasoning) seasoning
0910990000 Other flavoring spices 111 Other flavoring spices (Allspice) seasoning
1211905091 Other endangered plants mainly used as spices 101 Other endangered plants mainly used as spices (including certain parts thereof, whether or not cut, crushed or ground into powder) (Spices) seasoning
1211905091 Other endangered plants mainly used as spices 102 Other endangered plants mainly used as spices (including certain parts thereof, whether or not cut, crushed or ground into powder) (other seasonings) seasoning
1211905099 Other plants mainly used as spices 112 Other plants mainly used as spices (including certain parts thereof, whether or not cut, crushed or ground into powder) (other seasonings) seasoning
1211905099 Other plants mainly used as spices 119 Other plants mainly used as spices (including certain parts thereof, whether or not cut, crushed or ground into powder) (rosemary) seasoning
1211905099 Other plants mainly used as spices 114 Other plants mainly used as spices (including certain parts thereof, whether or not cut, crushed or ground into powder) (Basil powder) seasoning
1211905099 Other plants mainly used as spices 115 Other plants mainly used as spices (including certain parts thereof, whether or not cut, crushed or ground into powder) (geran leaves) seasoning
1211905099 Other plants mainly used as spices 116 Other plants mainly used as spices (including certain parts thereof, whether or not cut, crushed or ground into powder) (oregano leaves (including oregano leaf powder)) seasoning
1211905099 Other plants mainly used as spices 117 Other plants mainly used as spices (including certain parts thereof, whether or not cut, crushed or ground into powder) (Yangsu leaves) seasoning
1211905099 Other plants mainly used as spices 118 Other plants mainly used as spices (including certain parts thereof, whether or not cut, crushed or ground into powder) (wild marjoram) seasoning
1211905099 Other plants mainly used as spices 111 Other plants mainly used as spices (including certain parts thereof, whether or not cut, crushed or ground into powder) (Spices) seasoning
1211905099 Other plants mainly used as spices 101 Other plants mainly used as spices (including certain parts thereof, whether or not cut, crushed or ground into powder) (dill seeds) seasoning
1211905099 Other plants mainly used as spices 113 Other plants mainly used as spices (including certain parts thereof, whether or not cut, crushed or ground into powder) (dried mint leaves) seasoning
2103300000 Mustard powder and its condiments 998 Mustard powder and its condiments (other condiments not listed) seasoning
2103300000 Mustard powder and its condiments 999 Mustard powder and its condiments (spice) seasoning
GACC HS code for imported plant spices(Download)

1. Is the registration completed in the registration management system of overseas manufacturers of imported food (cifer) still valid?

A: The registration status is still valid.

2. Is the newly obtained registration status updated in ciferquery?

A: No, it will not be updated; it will be posted on a new page and updated through an Excel sheet (including the list of companies already registered in ciferquery).

3. Will the applications that have been submitted through the registration management system of imported food overseas manufacturers (cifer) be affected?

A: For applications that have been accepted by GACC, the Food Bureau will continue to complete the review, and subsequently the Food Bureau will slowly take away the content published in this category in ciferquery.

4. Do exporters or shippers need to record?
A: Yes, the exporter of the trade contract or shipper of BL has to do ire (Original AQSIQ) record. After recording will get an 11-digit record number, the record does not issue certificate nor validity limit. It should be noted that this record is very easy, we are obliged to help applicant record free of charge. Watch out for fraudulent websites.
(In China's administrative reform, AQSIQ no longer exist)

It is recommended to communicate with us for confirmation before registration in order to get the correct guidelines and not to be misled by other network information or deceived by fraudulent websites pretending to be official.
The remedy here is a self-definition or appellation of the institution for the following business conditions, and does not mean that the official expression and is not related to any other third-party and economic remedy.

GACC Access Remedy

According to GACC Decree No. 248 from January 1 2022, overseas manufacturers of imported food will be admitted in accordance with new policies, regulations and procedures. We provide all-round consultation and analysis. After adjustment and verification, the enterprises meet China's food production safety and hygiene standards, product pesticide and veterinary drug residues and other laws and regulations, but also according to the country (region) and product, free assistance to check the conformity assessment and give non-binding and pragmatic market access feasibility suggestions for reference.

Agent Remedy

The original agent caused unacceptable losses due to lack of technical level and experience; the original agent voluntarily canceled the entrustment or lost contact, resulting in application interruption and economic losses. According to the specific situation, we can continue to register and application service or give free reference suggestions.

Data remedy

In October 2021, GACC arranged to open a "green channel" for registration of 18 categories of food for one month. Some overseas competent authorities submitted incomplete or confusing enterprise elements, such as the address of the enterprise, the country name as the business license number, and the type of product as Names of people, etc., so that the corresponding overseas producers are still unable to use valid GACC codes to assist in customs declaration. Our agency has reasonably relieved many cases.

Remedy for overseas competent authority's administrative account

Due to the different organizational structure and supervision system of each country, some countries cannot effectively transmit the new GACC regulations and practical guidelines, some are completely unaware of the new GACC regulations, and some have heard of them but they do not know how to obtain the management account granted by GACC and which ones in their own countries. The institution should obtain a management account and conduct classified management; for this reason, our institution will participate in the assistance of embassy personnel when necessary through email, telephone, video conference, etc., fully publicize and implement the essentials of the laws and regulations, understand and discuss the country's governance and supervision system, and successfully implement remedy for multiple cases. Provide in-depth explanations on the use of training and operation guidelines for the management terminal of overseas competent authorities, so that they can fully understand the positive significance of the human-friendly architecture GACC Cifer system as a supporting measure for GACC Decree No.248. more+

Training, translating and Consultants

When there is no knowledge or understanding of China's regulatory system, food safety laws and regulations, and access procedures, we can provide paid training translation services to enterprises, so that enterprises can fully understand China's regulatory system, laws and regulations, and can complete the work independently. Enterprise access registration and product labeling compliance work, or become the annual partner of regulatory consulting and product compliance. The team is well established, familiar with the evolution of all regulations, rich in technical reserves, smooth in multilingual communication, convenient in handling affairs, mastering key points of compliance, and understanding of trade customs clearance and quarantine matters. The appointment of consultants is not an open business, and the invitation system is adopted. After evaluation and analysis, those who meet the conditions will be actively invited by our institution. more+

Customs Clearance reject and early warning remedy

Misjudgment caused by enterprise qualification problems, product technology non-compliance, label non-compliance or self-perceived compliance or misclassification in the process of food trade. Sanctions such as return request of shipments, suspension of imports, and revocation of qualifications caused by triggering risk warnings. We can try to assist producer and companies in product compliance, corporate rectification, training, re-certification, re-communication and other measures to promote the process of removing sanctions.

The Chinese national standards and regulations that plant spices should comply with include but are not limited to:
1. National Standard for Food Safety Food Additive Use Standard GB 2760-2014

2. National Food Safety Standard Limitation of Mycotoxins in Food GB 2761-2017

3. National Food Safety Standard Limits of Contaminants in Food GB 2762-2017

4. National Food Safety Standard Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides in Food GB 2763-2021

5. National Standard for Food Safety General Rules for Labeling of Prepackaged Foods GB 7718-2011

6. National Food Safety Standard Food Nutrition Enhancer Use Standard GB 14880-2012

7. Hygienic standard for irradiated dried spice GB 14891.4
(If you need to obtain the English version of the above regulations or technical standards, or the official language version of your country, feel free to contact us)

List of registered enterprises:

List of registered enterprises for Egypt seasonings

List of registered enterprises for Austrian seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Australian seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Brazilian seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Polish seasonings

List of registered enterprises of German seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Russian seasonings

List of registered enterprises of France seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Georgian seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Korean seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Canada seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Cambodia seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Rwanda seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Madagascar seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Malaysia seasonings

List of registered enterprises of United States seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Myanmar seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Nigeria seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Japan seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Sri Lanka seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Thailand seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Turkey seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Guatemala seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Uzbekistan seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Spanish seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Greek seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Iranian seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Italian seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Indonesia seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Indian seasonings

List of registered enterprises of British seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Vietnamese seasonings

List of registered enterprises of Taiwan seasonings

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