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Regarding the Inspection and Quarantine Requirements for Unroasted Cocoa Bean from Venezuela to China

According to the regulations of the Chinese Customs and the Ministry of Agriculture, Production and Land of Venezuela on the plant quarantine requirements for the export of unroasted cocoa beans from Venezuela to China, from now on, the import of Venezuelan cocoa beans that meet the following relevant requirements is allowed:


I. Inspection and quarantine basis

(I) "Biosafety Law of the People's Republic of China";

(II) "Law of the People's Republic of China on Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine" and its implementing regulations;

(III) "Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" and its implementing regulations;

(IV) "Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law of the People's Republic of China" and its implementing regulations;

(V) "Administrative Measures for Import and Export Food Safety of the People's Republic of China";

(VI) "Protocol on Plant Quarantine Requirements for the Export of Unroasted Cocoa Beans to China between the China Customs and the Ministry of Agriculture, Production and Land of Venezuela".


II. Names of commodities allowed to enter the country

Venezuelan cocoa beans, scientific name Theobroma cacao L., English name cocoa beans, refers to unroasted cocoa seeds grown and processed in Venezuela, with pulp and pods removed, and fermented, dried, screened and other processes.


III. Permitted origin

The whole territory of Venezuela


IV. Pests of concern

Cocoa beans exported to China must not carry the following pests:

1. Cathartus quadricollis

2. Caryedon serratus

3. Hypothenemus obscurus

4. Moniliophthora roreri


V. Pre-shipment requirements

(I) Registration requirements.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Production and Land of Venezuela shall inspect the cocoa bean production and processing enterprises exported to China, confirm that they meet the requirements of Chinese Customs, and recommend them to Chinese Customs. Chinese Customs will review the recommended enterprises and register those that pass the review.

(II) Production requirements.

1. The Ministry of Agriculture, Production and Land of Venezuela shall conduct epidemic investigations and integrated prevention and control management of quarantine pests of concern to Chinese Customs during the growth of cocoa and the production, processing and storage of cocoa beans in accordance with relevant international plant quarantine measures. Pest epidemic investigations and integrated prevention and control should be completed under the guidance of technical personnel. Technical personnel must pass the training of the authorized institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture, Production and Land of Venezuela. In the pest control work, pesticides prohibited by the Chinese Customs shall not be used.

2. According to the needs of the Chinese Customs, the Ministry of Agricultural Production and Land of Venezuela shall submit to the Chinese Customs an investigation report on the occurrence of pests and a record of integrated control. When new pests occur on Venezuelan cocoa, the Ministry of Agricultural Production and Land of Venezuela shall promptly inform the Chinese Customs of the relevant situation and the control measures taken so that the Chinese Customs can conduct an assessment.

3. During the production and processing of cocoa beans, measures shall be taken to remove moldy beans, worm-eaten beans, and foreign objects. Live insects, insect eggs, soil, weed seeds, plant residues, gravel and other impurities shall not be carried.

(III) Packaging and transportation requirements.

1. Processed cocoa beans should be stored separately and separated from cocoa beans sold to other markets and unprocessed cocoa beans to prevent contamination.

2. Cocoa beans should be packaged with new, clean and hygienic materials that meet plant quarantine requirements. Each package should be marked with the words "本产品输往中华人民共和国/This product will be exported to the People's Republic of China" in Chinese and English, as well as the product name, processing enterprise and its registration number in Chinese or English.

3. Before shipment, the shipping tools must be thoroughly inspected to prevent contamination by pests.

(IV) Product requirements.

Cocoa beans must not carry quarantine pests of concern to the Chinese Customs. Cocoa beans should comply with China's inbound plant quarantine laws and regulations and China's national food safety standards.

(V) Pre-export quarantine and certificate requirements.

Before export, the Venezuelan Ministry of Agricultural Production and Land must conduct inspection and quarantine on cocoa beans exported to China, and issue a plant quarantine certificate for those that meet the requirements, indicating the name and registration number of the processing enterprise, and indicate in the additional statement: "This consignment complies with the requirements specified in the Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements for Export of Unroasted Cocoa Bean from Venezuela to China, and is free from quarantine pests of concern to China.". If live insects are found in cocoa beans exported to China, effective quarantine treatment should be carried out before export. The method, time, temperature, and agent of quarantine treatment should be indicated in the plant quarantine certificate.


VI. Entry Inspection and Quarantine

When cocoa beans arrive at Chinese ports, Chinese Customs will implement inspection and quarantine in accordance with the following requirements.

(I) Certificate verification.

1. Verify whether it comes from a registered enterprise.

2. Verify whether the attached plant quarantine certificate is authentic and valid.

(II) Cargo inspection.

In accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations, rules, etc., combined with the requirements of this announcement, inspection and quarantine of inbound cocoa beans shall be carried out. Those that pass the inspection and quarantine shall be allowed to enter the country.

(III) Disqualified treatment.

1. Those without a valid plant quarantine certificate shall be returned or destroyed.

2. Those from unregistered processing enterprises shall be returned or destroyed.

3. If soil is found, it shall be returned or destroyed.

4. If quarantine pests or other quarantine pests, plant residues, etc. of concern to China Customs are found, they will be treated for pest control, returned or destroyed.

5. If other situations that do not meet China's entry inspection and quarantine requirements are found, they will be handled in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

If the above non-compliance is found, China Customs will notify the Venezuelan Ministry of Agricultural Production and Land, and suspend the relevant enterprises qualifications to export to China depending on the severity of the violation until China Customs confirms that the problem has been effectively rectified.



July 23, 2024

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